SBL Phosphorus

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Rs. 95.00


Saturated solution in absolute alcohol. Trituration of Red amorphous Phosphorus.

Common Name:  The Element, Phosphorus.

Causes & Symptoms for Phosphorus

  • Complaints from electric changes in the atmosphere; violent palpitations, working under a bright light cause complaint indicates Phosphorus.
  • Burning pains are observed everywhere, which is characteristic of this remedy and is sensitive to cold.
  • Craving for cold things, ice cream, which agrees, or cold water, which is thrown up as it gets warm in the stomach indicates phosphorus.
  • Phosphorus has been very useful in weak, relaxed conditions of the joints following sprains, Tearing, boring pains, especially at night with necrosis.
  • The Phosphorus patient is very sensitive to all external impressions; slight odors, noises, touch.
  • Glandular swellings,  abscesses, fistulous openings

Mind and head

The mind may be overactive or may be extremely passive with loss of memory. 

Irritability of mind and body and great prostration of mind after slight mental effort, and of the body after slight physical exertion. 

Trembling of the whole body with fear is relieved with this Phosphorus. Brain-fag from mental overwork.

Vertigo when in the open air; vertigo after eating; vertigo in the evening indicates Phosphorus.

Eyes, ear, nose

Burning, redness, congestion, enlargement of the blood-vessels of the eye indicates Phosphorus.

The eyelids twitch and tremble; swelling of the eyelids; dropsical swelling of the eyelids; great darkness around the eyes; great circles around the eyes.

Inability to understand the articulations of the human voice. Hearing is difficult.

Mouth and Throat

Phosphorus is useful in swollen, oedematous face; puffed under the eyes, bloated face, worse from talking and from eating

Jerking, tearing pains in the teeth. The pains of the teeth are often ameliorated by warmth

Parched, dry and bleeding lips, Inflammation of the parotid gland, especially when it suppurates or there are fistulous openings is relieved with Phosphorus.


Stomach and Abdomen

In Phosphorus there is violent hunger and very soon after eating the hunger returns again.

In acute and chronic complaints there is violent thirst; thirst for ice-cold drinks.

Vomiting on as soon as the water becomes warm in the stomach indicates Phosphorus.

Stool and Rectum

Burning in the rectum during stool. Protrusion of the rectum, protrusion of the piles is relieved with Phosphorus.

Sharp, stitching pains from the coccyx up the spine that occurs during stool.

After stool painful cramps in the rectum; burning in the anus; violent tenesmus, fissures of the anus indicates Phosphorus.

Urinary complaints

Frequent, scanty or completely suppressed urine with involuntary urination during sleep indicates Phosphorus.

Twitching and burning in the urethra with sugar in the urine. It is useful in renal calculi.

Male complaints

Swelling and soreness of the testes and cord; inflammation of the testes and cord.

Phosphorus is useful in frequent erections that are painful day and night.

Female complaints

Violent pain in the ovaries extending down the inner side of the thighs during menstruation indicates Phosphorus.

Hemorrhages from uterus, bright red, clotted blood, Frequent and profuse hemorrhages from the uterus are checked with Phosphorus.

Painful, hard, large nodosities in the female mammary glands.


Ulcers upon the lower limbs; feet icy-cold, weakness; trembling; faintness. Jerking and twitching of the muscles

Emaciated limbs and the distended veins become an indication for phosphorus.

Burning, tearing pains in the limbs from exposure to cold, Inflammation of the periosteum of the tibia.


Bleeding from ulcerations, False granulations that bleed, Black and blue spots.

Eruptions are dry and scaly, Burning sensation with irregular brown spots upon the body.

Psoriasis of the knees, legs, elbows, and eyebrows indicates Phosphorus.


Exostoses of the skull with tearing pains.

Jerking and twitching of the muscles with spasms.

complaints are worse from cold and cold applications, and better from heat and warm applications, 


Dosage and rules while taking Phosphorus

Take 5 drops in half cup of water three times a day.

You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

We recommend you to take under physicians guidance.

Precautions while taking Phosphorus

Always keep a gap of 15 minutes before or after meals when you take medicine.

If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homeopathic practitioner before use.  

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.

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